日本語表記のアーキテクチャ:第2回:日本語アーキテクチャの要素 /The Architecture of Written Japanese: 02 The Architecture of Script, The Architecture of Written Japanese |今野真二・Chris Lowy


 第2回では、第3回から第10回までの各回において採りあげる、日本語表記にかかわる8つの要素について概略を述べておくことにしたい。「基本的な文字種」が第3回、「符号」が第4回、「書字方向」が第5回、「文字の大きさ」が第6回、「振仮名の可能性」が第7回、「Base Text」が第8回、「書きことばの互換性」が第9回、「漢字体系の拡張性・開放性」が第10回で採りあげるものである。
























 これに対して(と表現しておくが)、振仮名という表記形式を成り立たせていることがらの側から振仮名をとらえることもできる。例えば、活字印刷において振仮名を施す場合は、「本行」と振仮名用活字を植字する行との2つの行の設定が必要になる。振仮名用の小さな活字(ルビ)を植字し印刷するためには、そうしたことを可能にする技術が必要となる。ために、明治期においては、活字印刷されているテキストの振仮名の「事故」は少なくない。今野(2020)においては、ボール表紙本『禽獣世界 狐の裁判』における「ひっくり返った振仮名」を紹介した。


[Base text]



 例えば、『古今秘注抄』(京都:曼殊院蔵)は『古今和歌集』についての注釈書であるが、『古今和歌集』の和歌が「漢字平仮名交じり」で文字化され、その左隣に、当該和歌の注釈が「漢字片仮名交じり」で文字化されている。このテキストの『古今和歌集』の和歌の部分を「Base text」とみるならば、「漢字片仮名交じり」で文字化されている部分は「Base text」に対する注釈ということになる。『古今和歌集』は905年に奏上されており、一方『古今秘注抄』の注釈部分は中世に成ったと考えられている。したがって、前者と後者とは、そもそも異なる日本語によって記されたテキストといってよく、それが『古今秘注抄』という1つのテキストとしてまとめられていることになる。『古今秘注抄』が2つのテキストから成っていることは、「漢字平仮名交じり」「漢字片仮名交じり」という2種類の表記体によって示されている。











註1 今野(2017)は「日本語表記の歴史」を副題として「漢字とカタカナとひらがな」を書名としている。

註2 中国の篆字の古体を「蝌蚪文字」と呼ぶことがある。実隆の「科蚪」がこの「蝌蚪文字」を意味している可能性もあるが、いずれにしても「おたまじゃくし」に見えたということはいえると考える。

註3 『古今和歌集』や『源氏物語』の注釈書においては、仮名によって文字化した和歌や物語の「本文」に漢字を添えることがあり、これを「振り漢字」と呼ぶことがある。こうした表記形式も仮名を添えていないけれども、広義の「振仮名」とみることはできる。いずれにしても2種類の文字を使っていることになる。


今野真二 2001 『仮名表記論攷』(清文堂)
今野真二 2009 『文献日本語学』(港の人)
今野真二 2009 『振仮名の歴史』(集英社新書、その後に、2020年に補章を加筆して岩波現代文庫から出版された)
今野真二 2017 『漢字とカタカナとひらがな』(平凡社新書)
今野真二 2019 『日本語が英語と出会うとき』(研究社)
今野真二 2020 『乱歩の日本語』(春陽堂書店)
屋名池誠 2003 『横書き登場-日本語表記の近代-』(岩波新書)

Chris Lowy

In the previous installment I defined inscription as the settled text that appears before a reader. This time I discuss how the architectural features of a writing system establish the parameters by which a writer composes a text. The act of inscription, importantly, occurs within the limits of a script’s architecture regardless of the means by which one chooses to write (e.g., by hand, on a computer, or by phone).[1] I then briefly introduce the eight architectural features of the Japanese script that writers writing in Japanese are expected to adhere to.

The Architecture of Script

Hiking is a common pastime in the Pacific Northwest. A person might wake up early on the weekends, savor a cup of fresh brewed coffee, hop into their car, and head to the mountains just outside of Seattle. They have entered nature: suddenly, ensconced in the smell of blossoming flowers, they are surrounded by ancient forests, snowcapped mountains, and pristine lakes. Now, imagine that same person is suddenly looking at this nature from behind a large, wrap-around window. The window is fully transparent; save for the smell of flora and a cool breeze, the person might as well be outside. The metaphorical distance between inside and outside is minimal. But what if our wrap-around window is suddenly replaced by several large square windows? Or what if those windows are not square but diamond-shaped? Rectangles? Or what happens when the fully transparent glass becomes slightly tinted, frosted, or even stained? While nature and the person enjoying it remain unchanged, the structure of their point of interaction – that is, the window – shapes how the person experiences this nature. The role of the window and its effect on the person’s experience of nature is what, in a very different context, media theorist Alexander Galloway calls the interface effect: “autonomous zones of activity” that “achieve more the less they do” (Galloway 2012). In other words, though we might not think much about windows and their relationship to nature, they play a critical role in shaping how we experience a world one step removed.

The same principle can be applied to the relationship between humans, languages, and writing systems. Language as a phenomenon is like nature in this analogy: it exists with or without a writing system (i.e., window) to record it. Indeed, languages flourished long before they were written down, and they would continue to exist were we to suddenly lose the capacity to write them. And just as there are any variety of windows people look through to view nature, there are numerous scripts that people use to record language. A script, then, is like a window: it is an interface we use to access and record – to (re)present – some object larger than itself. As a general principle, then, they act in service to some larger good. Rarely are windows or scripts considered in isolation; windows draw our attention to what lies on either side of them while scripts draw our attention to the language they are representing. Nevertheless, and as Galloway notes, windows, as are scripts, are autonomous zones of activity. Just as the physical constitution of a window (e.g., its coloration, framing, thickness, shape) is significant in understanding how a person experiences what sits beyond it, so too is a consideration of the makeup of a script important in understanding how a reader (or writer) experiences language filtered through it. Just like windows, scripts, too, are diverse conglomerations of features and conventions that differentiate them from other scripts. These conglomerations of features and conventions is what I call a script’s architecture. Understanding the architecture of a script is the first step in understanding how it functions as an interface and the effects it has on both the reader and writer.

The architectural features of a particular script – that is, the various elements of a writing system that come together to form a cohesive unit – are best understood both diachronically (i.e., because of a particular historical process) and synchronically (i.e., as a phenomenon existing in a particular moment). When considering the architectural features of a script such as the Latin alphabet, for example, a diachronic approach would consider its relationship to the Etruscan alphabet and various linguistic reasons why the script developed the way it did. A synchronic approach, on the other hand, might consider capitalization rules in the Latin alphabet when writing modern standard English. The former certainly shapes the latter, but one need not have knowledge of the former to gain proficiency in using the Latin alphabet. As I have written elsewhere, “the historical conditions that gave rise to a script is one history while the application of that resultant script is another” (Lowy 2021). If it is our goal to understand why a script functions in a particular way, we should understand how it came to be. This question of how a script came to be – in other words, thinking about a script diachronically – is largely (though by no means exclusively) the interest of Konno’s serialization. My analyses throughout this series, on the other hand, is largely (though by no means exclusively) synchronic in nature. I am interested in how the architectural features of a script establish limits of acceptability, thereby shaping the boundary between intelligibility and unintelligibility. It should not come as a surprise that contemporary authors often probe the limits of intelligibility for their creative and aesthetic purposes. While I am interested in describing how an author uses script to achieve their literary intentions, Konno’s work tells us why those tools are available to them.

Architecture is also an apt metaphor for thinking about script because, just as there is great variety in the type of buildings that exist, so too is their great variety in the writing systems we use to record and represent language. Something important to understand about the relationship between a script and the language it is used to write is that any perceived essentialist relationship between the two is arbitrary. While it is true that, for example, the Chinese script (i.e., 漢字) developed to write the Chinese language and, as a result, is able to record it effectively, the Chinese script came to be used to write Japanese, a typographically different and wholly unrelated language. Sometimes scripts need not undergo a process of adaptation to write other languages. The Latin alphabet can, after all, be used to write Japanese! Other examples abound: the Hebrew script – an abjad associated with Hebrew, a Semitic language – is also used to write Ladino (a Romance language related to Spanish), Yiddish (a Germanic language related to German), and Judeo-Arabic (a language closely related to Arabic). All of this is to say that there is no essential relationship between a script and the language it is recording, and any claims otherwise are misguided.

The Architecture of Written Japanese: Eight Features

I will now preview the next several topics of discussion by briefly introducing what I consider to be the eight major elements of the Japanese writing system that comprise the architecture of written Japanese. Both Konno and I will elaborate on each one in further installments.

(i) Three Character Sets

The Japanese language is generally written in a combination of three character sets: Chinese characters, called kanji (漢字), hiragana, and katakana. Kanji entered Japan via the Korean Peninsula around the fifth century. In Japanese texts, kanji – which usually represent nouns and verbs – are generally read in one of two ways: either in a manner based on its Chinese pronunciation (on’yomi) or as a semantic equivalent to an already existing Japanese term (kun’yomi). Hiragana and katakana, on the other hand, are derivatives of kanji but are today regarded as discrete character sets. Both sets contain 47 base characters that can be, among other things, augmented with voiced, semi-voiced, and germinate consonant markers, as well as an elongated dash used to indicate long vowels. The entire spectrum of the modern standard Japanese language can be represented in both hiragana and katakana, and as such all utterances in Japanese can be represented in either or both. Today, both hiragana and katakana are standardized, and the Ministry of Education produces a list of kanji whose knowledge is deemed sufficient for daily life in Japan. The conventional uses of each three sets will be discussed in detail later.

(ii) Typographic Markers, (iii) Bidirectionality, (iv) Predictable Space Distribution

The set of typographic markers contained within the Japanese writing system is incredibly diverse. In fact, different elements contained within the set of typographic markers used today represent various stages in the evolution of the Japanese script: Chinese manuscript and late print culture, Western print culture, and interactions with Buddhist texts, including those written in Sanskrit. Diacritics allow one to indicate voiced (dakuten) and semi-voiced (han-dakuten) sounds, a full set of punctuation marks, and a variety of marks used to indicate the repetition of a preceding character (the exact mark will depend on whether said character is a kanji or hiragana/katakana). Typographic conventions remained largely inconsistent through the Meiji Period (1868-1912); it was common for a single author (within a single text) to haphazardly apply the aforementioned voiced and semi-voiced marks. Though ubiquitous today, with a little training the presence or absence of these marks has little effect on comprehensibility.[2]

The Japanese script today is bidirectional, with texts tending to be internally consistent.[3] Until extended contact with texts written in Western languages, Japanese was written vertically from left to right. Today, literature can be found written in both styles, and manga dialogue often appears vertically. Readers of Japanese read texts written in either format without issue. The size of each character – kanji, hiragana, or katakana – appear within an imaginary space of the same size resulting in predictable space distribution. This means that the total area of simple one-stroke kanji (一) is no smaller or bigger than the most visually-complex ones (鬱). This standardization of character size is at odds with the aesthetics of manuscripts written in Japanese. One popular style of writing, for example, written largely in hiragana and in a heavily cursivized style, often connected characters in highly stylized ways. The result – indeed, the goal – was an aesthetically pleasing text but one inconsistent in character size.

(v) Interlinear Glosses, (vi) Base Text, (vii) Interchangeability

Interlinear glosses generally appear just above or around individual characters or character strings in left-to-right horizontally oriented texts and to the right of them in right-to-left vertically oriented ones. The most important interlinear gloss today is furigana, which I will discuss in detail later, but there were historically others such as sequential indicators (kaeriten), kana suffix markers (okurigana)[4], and particle indicators (okoto-ten). These markers have their origins in practices developed to read, annotate, and convert texts written in literary Sinitic into – and to varying degrees – vernacular Japanese. While particle indicators would disappear and kana suffix markers would become integrated into the base text, furigana are still widely used today. Their primary purpose is to clarify the reading of a particular character or character string; their usage, however, is by no means limited to this, and writers make great use of them for literary purposes. The base text is the text that remains once all interlinear glosses have been removed. The base text, too, can be a space of creative expression: because most nouns and verbs can be written in kanji, and because hiragana and katakana can represent all utterances in Japanese, there is opportunity for authors to represent a single expression in a variety of ways. This can be called the principle of interchangeability. This does not mean that each mode of representation is equal. In fact, convention often dictates standard orthographic representation. Indeed, precisely because conventions abound, meaning through representation is created by playing with these orthographic standards. For example, writing a term in katakana when kanji (or hiragana) is expected can result in a variety of effects, a sampling of which I will discuss later.

(viii) An Expansive Kanji Set

The final element of written Japanese I consider relates to how kanji are conceived of within the architecture of the script. Specifically, the liberal use of interlinear glosses, especially furigana, allows authors to annotate a character or character string belonging to the base text in a way that transforms any character or character string into a kanji-like entity. This results in an ever-expansive set of kanji. That is, while the term kanji is generally understood to mean “Chinese character,” in practice, it is perhaps more accurately understood as a character functioning like a Chinese character. This distinction becomes important when considering why writers of Japanese can apply furigana to non-kanji characters and character strings (e.g., furigana applied to hiragana, katakana, Western languages, or even emoji in the base text). This principle becomes apparent when thinking about the definition of kanji in the Japanese linguistic environment and the possible parameters one might apply to it.

Works Cited

  • Galloway, Alexander. The Interface Effect, Wiley 2012.
  • Lowy, Christopher. “At the Intersection of Script and Literature: Writing as Aesthetic in Modern and Contemporary Japanese-language Literature,” University of Washington, PhD Dissertation 2021.

[1] As I make clear in later installments, writing on a cellphone is not the same as writing by hand or on a computer. However, assuming the writing system is the same across media, the basic structural principles of that script apply. That is, even if a certain feature of a writing system is unavailable to one writing on a cellphone (e.g., furigana), the existence of said feature can be assumed by both writers and readers.

[2] Though not a perfect comparison, there are certain parallels to the way abjads (e.g., the Arabic or Hebrew scripts) omit marking vowels.

[3] There are exceptions. For example, in manga, it is not uncommon for dialogue to appear vertically while narration and/or other text appears horizontally.

[4] Okurigana are not as exotic as they may seem. Literally “accompanying kana,” they clarify the reading of a term when it might otherwise be ambiguous. Examples from English, for example, are the “st,” “nd,” and “rd” of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, respectively.


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