List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Evidentiality
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The parameters of evidentiality and how they are marked
2.3. Evidentiality in Japanese
2.4. Where do evidentialities come from?
2.5. Epistemic modality vs. evidentiality
2.5.1. Palmer (1986)
2.5.2. Van der Auwera and Plugian (1998)
2.5.3. De Haan (2001)
2.5.4. The relation between modality and evidentiality:from the study of cognitive linguistics
2.6. Mirativity
2.7. What is at issue?
Chapter 3 The concept of subjectivity in cognitive grammar
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Subjectification
3.3. Grounding and layering
3.4. De-subjectification
3.5. The cycle of awakening
3.6. Summary
Chapter 4 The language change of Japanese evidential -rasi-i
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Previous research on -rasi-i
4.2.1. The relationship between inference and hearsay: Kida (2013)
4.2.2. The relationship between suffixal and evidential -rasi-i: Miyake (2006)
4.2.3. What is at issue?
4.3. Grammaticalization
4.3.1. Unidirectionality: grammaticalization as reduction and expansion
4.4. The emergence of Japanese evidentialities
4.4.1. The historical transition of -gena and -sauna (-soo=da): Senba (1972)
4.4.2. The historical transition of -rasi-i
4.5. The transition from the early years of the Modern Era to the Modern Era
4.6. The language change of the evidential -rasi-i : subjectification and de-subjectification
4.6.1. Language change from the suffixal usage to the evidential usage
4.6.2. The emergence of the hearsay parameter from the inference parameter
Chapter 5 How evidentiality is expressed in novels
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Cognitive linguistics and narratology
5.2.1. The narrator and focalizer in the framework of narratology
5.2.2. Fashion of construal: the two types of construal
5.3. Comparing evidential -rasi-i in Japanese with its counterparts in English
5.4. The difference in the encoding of evidential meanings between Japanese and English
5.5. The cognitive factor reflected in the different markedness of evidentiality
Chapter 6 The extension of meaning into mirativity in the Japanese evidential marker -rasi-i
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Evidentiality from the perspective of the theory of territory
6.3. Mirativity as a general cognitive phenomenon
6.3.1. The conception of reality
6.3.2. The two kinds of conception of the ‘self’
6.3.3. The relationship between the cycle of awakening and mirativity
6.4. The extension to mirative meaning as the first-person effect of Japanese evidential -rasi-i