Why Romanize a Corpus of (Old) Japanese? Bjarke Frellesvig
1. Transcription
1.1 Phonemic transcription
2. Phonological representation
3. Morphological segmentation
4. Sound texture appreciation
5. Conclusion
The Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese Stephen Wright Horn and Kerri L. Russell
1. Introduction
2. Linguistic annotation of texts
2.1 The texts in the OCOJ
2.2 Encoding orthography
2.3 Lemmatization
2.4 Syntactic markup
2.5 An example of a fully marked up poem
2.6 Displaying the data
3. Non-linguistic annotation of texts
3.1 Literary and historical annotation
3.2 Orthographic alignment
3.3 Translations
4. The OCOJ Lexicon
4.1 Structure of entries
4.2 Data storage
5. Searching the OCOJ
5.1 Key Word In Context (KWIC) searches
5.2 Advanced searches
6. Conclusion